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New Frontiers Christian Academy - Christian School Wills Point and Canton, Texas2024-2025 EnrollmentAbout UsClassesExtra Curricular

Philosophy of education

Our philosophy of education is rooted in our view of reality.The things that we can see and touch and quantify are simply the creation. God is behind this creation that we can see, measure, study and formulate rules to explain.He has created it all for His own glory (Col. 1:15-16, Psalm 19:1-7).

This great God, who is wise, sovereign, omniscient, omnipresent and omnipotent, has not only created all things, but controls all things by His Word of Power (Heb. 1:3).

Since He made all things and controls all things and does it all for His glory, all knowledge, indeed, all life is referenced to the being and existence and will of this Creator. All academic pursuits, therefore, must comprehend this marvelous God and His own being and righteousness. This God, who is ultimate, and His revelation must permeate everything we do and all we teach

God is in such control of His creation that not even a sparrow falls to the ground without Him (Matt. 10:29-31). Therefore, everything we learn in any subject area is but an example of His orderly operation in the universe.Studying science is learning and understanding the mechanisms through which He operates in His world.Every orderly operation of the universe, from the galaxies beyond our own to the microscopic galaxies within every cell, is but an example of His comprehensive directing of His creation for His own glory (Isaiah 40, 45, Job 38 - 42).

All disciplines of study must ultimately focus on the Lord of glory or they become independent systems of idolatry (Psalm 115:1,2, Ephesians 4:17-24, Colossians 2:2-10, Romans 1, Isaiah 44, Romans 12:1,2). The only truth and most profound wisdom and knowledge flow from God's revelation. People trained by God's revelation learn to truly think, analyze, discern, and understand all that God has created. God's revealed law also is the "schoolmaster" that leads to salvation.God's Spirit then brings spiritual understanding that makes man truly wise. This God has created creatures that bear His image.

Our students are creatures that reflect the image of God (Genesis 1 - 3). This understanding drives us to love and respect the individuals entrusted to our care. We want to understand them, their gifts and abilities as well as their needs and problems. We accept who they are and seek to help them to learn about God's creation and the creation's God. We seek to see them develop as creatures that willingly place themselves under Him as people made for His glory. This is why we shepherd their hearts, devise special educational programs for them and seek to serve them (Proverbs, Ephesians 4:32, Philippians 2, I Thessalonians 2:7-12, I John 3, Matthew 9:36). We want to see them come to know and serve this living and true God, the fear of whom is the beginning of knowledge. The tools of thinking, communication and study will help the child to function as a person who is living for the glory of God.

Training in godly character is the fundamental task of the Christian home, then the church. As a Christian school, we must extend training in godly character to our classrooms. The principles and absolutes of Scripture provide the framework for instruction in godly character. This training must be precise and consistent as we interact with students each day.

In light of these truths, we have oriented our school around the family, which is God's basic social structure for the nurturing and training of people in an atmosphere of wholeness and godliness. We believe the school should be an extension of that atmosphere, viewing the world and all that is in it for God's glory. We want our work and the children and families we serve to bring glory to the living God.

Our Mission

New Frontiers Christian Academy exists to love and glorify God, help fulfill the Great Commission, affirm, encourage, and equip parents, educate students with excellence, integrate home and school learning experiences, and reach out to other communities by overseeing the academic education and related family ministries.

Our Goal

To strengthen families and values by helping parents prepare college-worthy,
character witnesses of Christ for the next generation.

School starts September 4, 2024!! 

Enrollment is still open and available now!!

Enrollment fee is due August 15, 2024. 

That will enable cirriculum to arrive on time.




Regular classes are Monday -Thursday

8:30am to 3:30pm

We are currently enrolling for 


School Year

Call 903/340-2601 today

Statement of Nondiscriminatory Practices

New Frontiers Christian Academy enrolls students of any race, gender, color, nationality, and ethnic origin.  All rights, privileges, programs, and activities made available to all students enrolled in NFCA. The school does not discriminate on basis of race, gender, color, nationality, or ethnic origin in the administration of any school-administered program.

New Frontiers Christian Academy

24385 Interstate 20, Wills Point, Tx 75169

(903) 340-2601

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